₽ 37,677.55
Interview number / length 10 interviews, 11-15 min
Time to complete, days 15
Cost per one interview ₽ 2,150.98
Cost of programming ₽ 16,167.73
Total cost per interview (CPI) ₽ 3,767.76
Here you can change the number of experts you wish to speak to or send your questions. The number of experts available for interviews can be limited due to your other selected criteria combination. If you need more experts than the system offers, please, contact us for availability and quote.
Job Title has to be selected from pre-populated list. If target job title is not listed, please contact us for availability and quote
Select the main country of doing business for your respondents
If your targeting requires specific region within the Country, type the Region and this will be processed as Specific requirement; in most cases it will increase the cost too.
Select an industry from pre-populated list if your targeting requires repondents from a specific industry
Here you can add specific requirements to respondents, e.g. years of work experience, their company size or particular area of responsibility. Setting the Incidence Rate is optional.

"Talk to industry insiders" means you want to talk to respondents by yourself and discuss your questions by phone or Skype — we will arrange an appointment and connect you at the time pre-agreed with you and respondent.

"Send questions to industry insiders" means sending your scripted questions to all selected respondents and getting answers from them; you will get a spreadsheet with all answers once it`s done.

More details in FAQ question #2

Select timing most suitable for respondent to complete your survey

To complete your survey, somebody has to create questionnaire in Survey Monkey, Google Forms or similar service. If you want to program your questions by yourself, select "I will create questionnaire myself". If you want to send us your questions in a free format, then select "Please create questionnaire for me". You will be able to send us your questions or links to the questionnaire you have programmed at a later stage.

More details here: FAQ Question #3